Thermoplastic composites – Innovative processes and methods
The main growth drivers for the composites industry are currently the wind energy sector and thermoplastic applications in the transportation sector. The structural changes in the mobility sector often open up opportunities for composites to gain a foothold in new applications. The construction and infrastructure sectors and the electronics/electrical sector also offer great prospects. This is where the use of composites offers significant added value beyond lightweight construction, for example against the backdrop of the sustainability debate, Industry 4.0 and smart cities. Composites have been in industrial (series) use for many decades, and yet there is still enormous potential for opening up further fields of application in the future. In the current issue of our Composites Report, our member institutes show what is possible with thermoplastics, whether pultrusion or SMC, whether circular economy, mobility or digitalization. Let yourself be inspired once again by the diversity of composites.
Here you can find the latest Composites Report.