GfK swimming pool brochure

The information brochure deals with the composition, advantages and requirements of glass fiber reinforced plastic pools (GRP). GRP is a composite material made from a polymer matrix and glass fibers. It is durable, resistant to corrosion and weathering and has high mechanical strength. In swimming pool construction, GRP enables a robust design that can withstand …

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AVK Navigator 2023/2024

Your up-to-date route planner through the composites industry! As a basic reference work, the AVK Navigator provides a comprehensive overview of companies and institutions along the value chain for components made of fiber-reinforced plastics and engineering thermosets.The online version contains search functions that enable decision-makers from all over the world to quickly gain an overview …

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AVK Composites Report 10

With this issue of the Composites Report, we have a double anniversary to celebrate. Firstly, the tenth issue of this biannual magazine, which usually contains editorial contributions from our AVK member institutes on current issues relating to the manufacture of composites components. It also marks the 100th anniversary of the AVK, making it the oldest …

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English composites recycling study

The topics of sustainability and recycling have become increasingly important in industry and also in the plastics industry in recent years. Composites have enormous advantages, particularly in the field of lightweight construction. In addition, the materials can also deliver high added value in terms of sustainability. Why composites are advantageous has so far been the …

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AVK Composites Navigator 2023

Your up-to-date route planner through the composites industry! As a basic reference work, the AVK Navigator provides a comprehensive overview of companies and institutions along the value chain for components made of fiber-reinforced plastics and engineering thermosets.The online version contains search functions that enable decision-makers from all over the world to quickly gain an overview …

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Composites recycling study

The topics of sustainability and recycling have become increasingly important in industry and also in the plastics industry in recent years. Composites have enormous advantages, particularly in the field of lightweight construction. In addition, the materials can also deliver high added value in terms of sustainability. Why composites are advantageous has so far been the …

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AVK Composites Navigator 2022

Your up-to-date route planner through the composites industry! As a basic reference work, the AVK Navigator provides a comprehensive overview of companies and institutions along the value chain for components made of fiber-reinforced plastics and engineering thermosets.The online version contains search functions that enable decision-makers from all over the world to quickly gain an overview …

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AVK Composites Navigator 2021

Your up-to-date route planner through the composites industry! As a basic reference work, the AVK Navigator provides a comprehensive overview of companies and institutions along the value chain for components made of fiber-reinforced plastics and engineering thermosets.The online version contains search functions that enable decision-makers from all over the world to quickly gain an overview …

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