Heylen Composites Consulting

Address: Elewijtsesteenweg 166, 1980 Eppegem (Zemst), BelgiumPhone: +32 479 58 61 77E-mail: Peterheylen.consult@outlook.comContact: Peter Heylen Company description: Counter Market Challenges and turn your growth ambitions into reality with a winning strategy. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are groundbreaking technologies or successful market entries.I have experienced how projects start with big goals and …

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Address: Werner-von-Siemens Straße 6, 86159 Augsburg, GermanyPhone: 0152 06073584Web: http://www.fibclick.de/ E-Mail: info@fibclick.de Company description: We digitalize and automate production planning and the set-up process for fibre-reinforced lightweight materials through the use of simulation processes, optimization and AI. Our solutions precisely simulate the behavior of textiles and fibers during production. On this basis, we use an …

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Polyplex AG

Address: Gigering 4, P.O. Box 24, 8213 Neunkirch, SwitzerlandPhone: +41 52 687 00 50Web: https://www.polyplex.ch/ E-mail: info@polyplex.ch Company description: Polyplex AG in Neunkirch is a Swiss company of RH-Group Holding AG, which has specialized in the manufacture of fibre-reinforced thermoset moulded parts and even entire component assemblies since 1972. We offer services and products in …

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Fraunhofer IWM

Address: Wöhlerstrasse 11, 79108 Freiburg Phone: 0761 / 5142-0 Web: https://www.iwm.fraunhofer.de/ E-mail: info@iwm.fraunhofer.de Company description: As a driving force, innovator and problem solver, the Fraunhofer IWM translates (materials) science expertise into relevant and sought-after research and development results. Our institute combines know-how and experience in all fields of materials technology and materials science. In the …

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ZHAW, FVK specialist group

Zurich University of Applied Sciences Address: Tössfeldstrasse 27, 8401 Winterthur, Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)58 934 76 43 Web: https://www.zhaw.ch/de/archbau/institute/institut-bautechnologie-und-prozesse/fachgruppe-fvk/ E-mail: fvk.bauwesen@zhaw.ch Contact person: Christian Lowiner Company description: Our specialist group was founded in 1998 and has been part of the Center for Building Technology and Processes ZBP since August 2021. We are engineers and architects …

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Weber Fibertech GmbH

Address: Zeppelinstr. 5, 88677 Markdorf, Germany Phone: +49 7544 963 – 6300 Web: http://www.weber-fibertech.de E-mail: info@weber-fibertech.com Contact person: Friedbert Schmitt Company description: In the search for processes that solve the conflicting goals of stiffness, strength, long-term stability, weight and cost better than conventional materials, we have moved away from traditional approaches. The result is our …

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Volume Graphics GmbH

Address: Wieblinger Weg 92a, 69123 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: 06221/7392060 Web: http://www.volumegraphics.com E-mail: sales@volumegraphics.com Contact person: Benjamin Becker Company description: When you choose software from Volume Graphics, you can rely on more than 25 years of experience in the development of software for non-destructive testing based on industrial computed tomography (CT). Today, a wide range of …

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VDI Association of German Engineers

VDI Society Materials Engineering (GME)VDI Plastics Technology Division Address: VDI-Platz 1, 40468 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone: +49(211)621351 Web: http://vdi.de/gme E-mail: gme@vdi.de Contact person: Achim P. Eggert Company description: The VDI Plastics Technology Division is a specialist division of VDI e.V. With almost 7,500 members, this VDI division has a very high level of industry penetration. Around …

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University of Siegen

Chair of Forming Technology (UTS) Address: Breite Straße 11, 57076 Siegen, Germany Phone: +49(0)271 740 4404 Web: https://www.uni-siegen.de/start/ Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Engel Company description: The Chair of Forming Technology at the University of Siegen (short: UTS, Umformtechnik Siegen) works in close cooperation with the Chairs of Production Engineering, Automotive Engineering and Materials Engineering. In …

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University of Kassel

Institute for Materials Technology – Plastics Technology Address: Mönchebergstraße 3, 34125 Kassel, Germany Phone: +49(561)8043670 Web: http://www.ifw-kassel.de Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Heim Company description: The Institute of Materials Engineering comprises five specialist areas with its structure of metal and plastics engineering disciplines: