The overall economic situation in Germany currently gives cause for concern.
Concern. Inflation is only slowly weakening, while energy costs remain high.
high. Raw material suppliers in particular are struggling with major slumps.
while producers still have full order books. Den-
It is also clear that the plastics industry continues to make a strong case for the
Germany as a business location and is prepared to produce sustainably. The
Research and development departments in the composites industry work
new solutions. That’s why in our new report we take a look at
different materials that combine the various advantages of composites, but also
to open up new markets and replace less sustainable materials.
In this issue, we therefore introduce you to smoke-suppressing NFK or
the recycling of carbon fibers with a subsequent second-life application. Next
The focus is on highly rigid, antistatic composite piping systems that are used to transport fluids in
low and high-pressure applications and to create sustainable pultrusion sand
wich profiles with mycelium core. Heavy-duty fastening solutions for lightweight applications
and novel UV/thermal dual-curing resin systems and alternatives are considered.
to conventional phenolic resin-based glass fiber prepregs in aviation interiors. This under
The various contributions from our member institutes are encouraging and encourage us to see what Composites
even in a difficult market environment.
Here you can find the latest Composites Report.