Agency for Renewable Resources e. V.

Address: Hofplatz 1, 18276 Gülzow, near Güstrow, Germany

Phone: +49(3843)6930101

Web: http://www.fnr.de

Contact: Dr. Andreas Schütte

Company description:

The Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR) is the project management agency of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). It was set up in 1993 on the initiative of the German government with the aim of coordinating research, development and demonstration projects in the field of renewable raw materials.

The statutory purpose of the FNR is to make an effective and continuous contribution to the development and use of renewable raw materials, particularly with regard to competing uses, direct and indirect land use effects, biomass conversions and partial and overarching sustainability concepts.

The BMEL’s “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding program sets out the rules for this. Funding for the implementation of the program is available from the federal budget. The main task of the FNR is the technical and administrative supervision of research projects on the use of renewable raw materials. In addition, up-to-date specialist knowledge on the subject is collected and made available to interested parties via publications and events.

Over time, the FNR has taken on additional, new tasks: As the project management agency for the Forest Climate Fund of the BMEL and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), it supports research topics on sustainable forest management. It oversees the BMEL’s “Guidelines for grants for climate-adapted forest management” and coordinates projects for the innovative use of wood in line with the BMEL’s Charter for Wood 2.0. On behalf of the BMEL, it also implements measures for peatland protection, peat reduction and emission reduction in the fermentation of farm manure. Together with the project management organization VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, the FNR is also responsible for the funding guideline for the development of renewable fuels of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV). Finally, her portfolio also includes involvement in European and international projects and committees.

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